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Mastering Packshot Photography for Your B2B Company

Packshot photography, the art of capturing high-quality images of products, is a critical component of a B2B company’s marketing strategy. These images are used across various platforms, from e-commerce sites to print catalogs, ensuring that products are presented in the best possible light. As a seasoned commercial photographer with decades of experience, I’ll guide you through the process of creating stunning packshot photos that can elevate your brand and drive sales.

Understanding the Importance of Packshot Photography

In the B2B world, where decisions are often made based on detailed product information and visuals, packshot photography plays a pivotal role. High-quality packshots:

  • Enhance Brand Image: Professionally shot images reflect the quality and reliability of your brand.
  • Increase Conversion Rates: Clear, detailed images help potential buyers understand the product better, reducing hesitation and increasing purchase likelihood.
  • Support Marketing Efforts: From websites to brochures, these images are essential for all marketing materials.
  • Build Trust: Consistent and accurate product images build trust with your clients, showcasing transparency and attention to detail.

Given these benefits, investing time and resources into mastering packshot photography is well worth the effort.

Equipment and Setup

To achieve professional packshot photos, you need the right equipment and a well-planned setup. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Camera and Lens: While my 9-year-old 42 MP camera with Sekor lenses from the 70s works well for my style, any high-resolution camera with a macro lens will do. A full-frame DSLR or mirrorless camera paired with a 50mm or 100mm macro lens is ideal for capturing detailed shots.

  2. Lighting: Proper lighting is crucial. A three-light setup is commonly used:

    • Key Light: The primary light source, placed at a 45-degree angle to the product.
    • Fill Light: Placed opposite the key light to fill in shadows.
    • Back Light: Positioned behind the product to separate it from the background and add depth.
  3. Tripod: To ensure stability and sharpness, use a sturdy tripod.

  4. Background: A seamless white background is standard for packshots. It helps to focus attention on the product and makes post-processing easier.

  5. Accessories: Reflectors, diffusers, and light tents can help control the light and reduce harsh shadows.

Preparing the Product

Before the shoot, ensure the product is clean and free from any imperfections. Here are some preparation tips:

  • Clean Thoroughly: Dust, fingerprints, and smudges can be very noticeable in high-resolution images. Clean the product meticulously.
  • Inspect for Defects: Check for any scratches, dents, or manufacturing defects. Use a pristine sample for the shoot.
  • Arrange Accessories: If the product comes with accessories (like cables or manuals), ensure they are neatly arranged and included in the shot if necessary.
Shooting Process

Now, let’s dive into the shooting process:

  1. Setting Up the Product: Place the product in the center of your setup. Use a product stand if needed to keep it stable.

  2. Adjusting the Lighting: Position your lights to ensure even illumination. Avoid harsh shadows and hot spots. Use diffusers to soften the light if necessary.

  3. Camera Settings: Set your camera to manual mode for full control. Recommended settings:

    • Aperture: f/8 to f/11 for a deep depth of field, ensuring the entire product is in focus.
    • ISO: Keep ISO low (100-200) to reduce noise.
    • Shutter Speed: Adjust based on the lighting conditions. Use a remote shutter release or timer to avoid camera shake.
  4. Composition: Frame the product to fill the frame without cropping any important parts. Leave some space around the edges for cropping during post-processing.

  5. Taking Test Shots: Take a few test shots to check the lighting, focus, and composition. Make adjustments as needed.

  6. Capturing Multiple Angles: Shoot the product from various angles to provide a comprehensive view. Include close-ups of important details.

  7. Consistency: Maintain consistency across all your shots. This is especially important if you’re shooting a series of products.


Post-processing is an essential step in packshot photography. Here’s a workflow to follow:

  1. Import and Sort: Import your images into a photo editing software like Adobe Lightroom or Capture One. Sort through the images and select the best ones.

  2. Basic Adjustments: Start with basic adjustments like exposure, contrast, and white balance. Ensure the product colors are accurate and true to life.

  3. Background Clean-Up: Use tools like the clone stamp or healing brush to clean up any imperfections in the background.

  4. Sharpening and Noise Reduction: Apply sharpening to enhance details and noise reduction if needed.

  5. Color Correction: Make sure the product colors are consistent with the actual product. Use reference images or color swatches if necessary.

  6. Cropping and Straightening: Crop the image to remove any unnecessary space and straighten the product if needed.

  7. Exporting: Export the final images in the required formats and resolutions. Ensure the images are optimized for web use to reduce loading times.

Tips for Specific Types of Products

Different products require different approaches. Here are some tips for shooting various types of products:

  • Electronics: Pay extra attention to reflections. Use polarizing filters and adjust lighting to minimize glare.
  • Apparel: Use mannequins or models for a more dynamic presentation. Ensure the clothing is wrinkle-free.
  • Jewelry: Use a macro lens for detailed shots. Pay attention to reflections and highlights.
  • Food and Beverages: Style the food to make it look appetizing. Use props and backgrounds that complement the product.
The Role of Software and Technology

In today’s digital age, software and technology play a crucial role in packshot photography. Here are some tools and techniques to consider:

  • 360-Degree Photography: Create interactive images that allow customers to view the product from all angles. This can enhance the shopping experience and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the product.
  • Augmented Reality (AR): Use AR technology to allow customers to visualize the product in their environment. This is particularly useful for furniture, home decor, and large equipment.
  • AI and Automation: Leverage AI-powered software for tasks like background removal, color correction, and image enhancement. Automation can speed up the editing process and ensure consistency.
Case Studies and Examples

To illustrate the impact of high-quality packshot photography, let’s look at a couple of case studies:

Case Study 1: Electronics Manufacturer

A leading electronics manufacturer noticed a significant drop in online sales despite having a user-friendly website. After analyzing customer feedback, they realized that their product images were of poor quality and didn’t do justice to their innovative designs.

They invested in professional packshot photography, focusing on capturing detailed images of their products from multiple angles. They also incorporated 360-degree photography to provide an interactive experience.

The result? A 35% increase in online sales within three months and a marked improvement in customer satisfaction.

Case Study 2: Luxury Jewelry Brand

A luxury jewelry brand struggled to convey the intricate details and craftsmanship of their products through their existing photos. They decided to revamp their product photography strategy.

Using high-resolution cameras and macro lenses, they captured stunning close-ups of their jewelry. They paid special attention to lighting, ensuring that every facet and gemstone sparkled.

The new images were not only used on their website but also in print catalogs and social media campaigns. The brand saw a 50% increase in engagement on social media and a 25% increase in online sales.

Mastering packshot photography is essential for any B2B company looking to enhance its brand image and drive sales. By investing in the right equipment, setting up a controlled environment, and paying attention to details, you can create high-quality product images that captivate your audience.

Remember, consistency is key. Ensure that all your product images follow the same style and quality standards to build a cohesive brand image. Embrace technology and stay updated with the latest trends to keep your packshot photography relevant and impactful.

Affiliate Links

As an affiliate marketer, I may earn a commission from certain products or services that are promoted on this blog through affiliate links. These links allow me to earn a small percentage of the purchase price at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I personally believe in and have used or researched. Your support through these affiliate links helps me to continue providing valuable content on this blog. Thank you for your support! For everyday content creation, the choice of equipment can vary depending on the specific needs of the project. However, some essential tools commonly used by content creators include:

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